Case Studies
The Letterbox Project
Arts Victoria 2009Strathewen was a town severely impacted by Victoria’s Black Saturday Bushfires in 2009. Marion Oakley was successful in receiving a grant from Regional Arts Victoria to form a local group that created mosaic letterboxes for community members rebuilding their homes, as a welcome back to the community. The project achieved great success and grew to be larger than she expected. This case study was prepared as part of an evaluation of Arts Victoria’s Bushfire Recovery Initiative.

This case study was prepared as part of an evaluation of the Creative Capricorn pilot project in Rockhampton for Arts Queensland. It features Kate Leahy, a local musician, who took a small group of musicians to small towns throughout central Queensland to engage local communities in music education and performance.

Marysville was a town severely impacted by the 2009 Black Saturday Bushfires in Victoria. Rita Seethaler, a Marysville local, received a grant to form a steel pan band to help rebuild the community. This case study was prepared as part of an evaluation of Arts Victoria’s Bushfire Recovery Initiative.
Other Case Studies
Arty Party
Arts Queensland 2012 -
Ipswich Arts Corps
Arts Queensland 2012 -
Tree of Happiness
Arts Queensland 2012 -
Splashing About in Our Catchment
Arts Queensland, 2012 -
Come Together
Arts Queensland 2012 -
Girringun Resilience
Arts Queensland 2012