Privacy Policy
Many of NSF Consulting’s projects involve collecting information personal information from individuals who are interviewed as part of our social research or evaluation projects. Personal information may be collected in surveys, in-depth interviews, focus groups, feedback forms, attendance at workshops or public meetings, or by taking notes at meetings.
The Company does not sell or trade the personal information it receives from third parties, nor does it use personal information for any purposes other than the specific purpose for which it was originally collected.
Personal information supplied is used for:
- Aggregated statistical reports (for examples, the demographic profile of people who participated in a particular process, or to report social research or evaluation findings);
- Circulation of reports to participants of that process;
- To list the names and position titles of stakeholders who participated in a research or evaluation project.
We do not collect personal information in order to identify any individuals who have participated in our research or evaluation projects. We look at this information in aggregate, rather than individual form, so we can see patterns of behaviour and broad demographic profiles.
Every effort is made to ensure that personal information of respondents are not disclosed to third parties, including our clients, unless permission is sought from the participants, the individual requests the information be disclosed, the disclosure could be reasonably expected, or the law requires that such information be supplied.