Evaluation of Creative Capricorn, Rockhampton
Arts Queensland2012-2015

Creative Capricorn was a pilot program designed to use the arts to contribute to the growth and cultural development of Rockhampton. Arts Queensland commissioned NSF Consulting to evaluate whether the program has met its objectives and contributed to the cultural life of Rockhampton.
We conducted a formative evaluation to enable evaluation findings to shape the ongoing development of the project over its three year lifetime. We are using action research to actively involve stakeholders in the process and to help the pilot align with the needs of Rockhampton’s diverse communities and interests.
A range of qualitative and quantitative evaluation tools were used over the three year period, as well as cutting edge research tools that utilise social media and the internet.
Arts Queensland has published the evaluation report on its website and highlighted it as an example of providing insight into the local, national and international arts and cultural sector.
(photos: Tom Hearn)