Membership Survey
Flying Solo2012

Flying Solo is a source of information, advice and inspiration for Australian solo and micro business owners. It runs a thriving community of more than 53,000 members.
A membership survey was commissioned to better understand the micro business community and various business planning issues.
An online survey was modelled on previous surveys conducted in 2011 and 2010. The survey was distributed online using QuestionPro, a professional online survey tool; a link was supplied to Flying Solo to embed in their website and weekly newsletter. It was also broadcast to subscribers via Facebook and Twitter.
The survey was completed by 1,093 respondents from approximately 17,000 who was invited to participate. This represents a response rate of about 6.5 per cent.
A detailed findings report about small and micro business owners was prepared. It included findings about business setup, running the business, find new business, networking, outsourcing, income generation, spending habits and levels of happiness.